
This poor blog gets neglected so much now doesn’t it? I’m really sorry, but I honestly just forget. Also, I haven’t really done anything exciting recently . . . or some of it doesn’t need to be shared with the world.

As for updates, they might get better since I’m going to be in our school’s musical this year, which is Cinderella. I’m just a member of the choir, but they gave us all names anyway. Mine is Therese. This play is really short despite having three acts, and you barely need any people so we just have a lot of extra people who sit there and do nothing. But there are four big scenes that everyone is in. The one at the beginning, The Prince Is Having A Ball, has a lot of random lines that the village girls call out about the prince, so maybe I’ll get one of those.

Yesterday, I received a surprise package, since I wasn’t expecting it this early. It was a gift from a friend, and I won’t mention their name just in case they don’t want me sharing. I was really excited, and it will get a lot of use. So just look forward to more covers from now on.

I also have new SpreePicky discount codes for you if you want to order anything from there. Use “SPRING15” to get 15% OFF at $80, and “SPRING20” to get 20% off at $150 (Both expire on February 28). Use “newface” to get 10% off at $20. Like always, they have free shipping on any order over $15. They also have a giveaway going on right now, so go check it out.