early wake up | 早く目を覚ます

This is the earliest I’ve woken up all summer. We had to get up early because my friend had to leave for cheerleading practice. Her mom just picked her up to take her, but we only live a block from the school . . . | ̄m ̄;|

We didn’t get to go to the movies last night, but we did go on a walk. We went to the gas station and got Arizona Green Tea and wax bottles. That was the first time I had had Arizona Green Tea, but its really good and I want more. We ate like two bags of wax bottles. She’s supposed to be on a green tea diet, but I think she may have broken that last night.

Now that she’s gone, I have to clean my room and make my bed. Then I have to go wash the chlorine out of my hair. I always have to after I go swimming becaus if I don’t, my hair gets all stiff.


Mood: tired