I Waltzed!

I got almost now sleep last night because my cat would not be quiet. He was meowing so aggressively that it was like he was screaming. Although because of it I was able to be up before my alarm and had time to do my make up. I mentioned to Breanna that my liquid eye liner broke the other day and she gave me one of her many so I got to use it for the first time today. I really like it. It’s much better than the one I was using from the dollar store. (I hardly use it so I don’t buy expensive makeup).

Today was ACT testing day at school, so the juniors got to go home early after their test. And on top of that only 20 seniors showed up. It wasn’t senior skip day. That’s already planned for another day; they just decided to not come. Because of ACT testing, the entire freshmen hallway – which also functions as the English department- was blocked off so we had to be shuffled around to different rooms. First hour was fine because we could still get tot he sign on the door to tell us where to go…But second hour was a bit difficult. We all went to the normal room but a bunch of freshmen were in there and they just told us to leave. However, none of the administration told us where to go so we just wandered around until we straggled into the computer lab.

I also brought my lunch to school, but I saw that we were having cheesy bread sticks (I actually think they are called “Bosco sticks”) for lunch so . . . I bought a lunch instead of eating the one I brought. My inner fat kid really has problems -_-

I had to go back to the school tonight for play practice. We learned to waltz tonight, but half the people weren’t there because they were sick or skipped school that day. In our school its in the handbook that if you don’t come to school you aren’t allowed to come later or go out anywhere in town (they actually get people in trouble with this). A lot of the girls had to dance as the guy part tonight when they really needed to learn the female part. I danced with my friend Taylor, a girl. She couldn’t get it so I had to keep leading her even though I was dancing the girls part. I don’t mind leading, I actually like being in control, but I wasn’t supposed to be. My legs are so tired and I’m so sweaty now though. We aren’t allowed to have out heels on the ground when we are dancing to my calves and the balls of my feet are killing me. We did two straight hours of waltzing with three five minute breaks.

I really should go sleep now, but I’m going to go torrent the Berryz concert instead. (I’ll talk about my precious Berryz after I watch the concert!)

Back to the Valley

My new role play website http://back-to-the-valley.boards.net/index.cgi is up and running. Open registration started at 12:00 am GTM -6 (central). Registration is open, but actual role playing will not begin until January 1st 2013.
Please register and become an active member. I worked all night so registration could open Christmas day.